In this article, we are going to learn firebase phone authentication in flutter platform. This flutter example helps you to authenticate mobile number using firebase with sms verification code in flutter applications. The application will leverage a login page provided by Auth0, the Universal Login page.
Your application will also have a profile screen where you can display detailed information about the logged-in user and a logout button. Many apps require their users to be authenticated. So for the purpose of authenticating the apps uses phone number authentication inside their apps. In phone authentication, the user has to verify his identity with his phone number. Inside the app user has to enter his phone number after that he will receive a verification code on his mobile number.
He has to enter that verification code and verify his identity. Firebase provides so many ways for authentication users such as Google, Email and Password, Phone, and many more. In this article, we will take a look at the implementation of Phone Authentication inside our App using Firebase. Flutter_appauth is a package that wraps around the AppAuth native libraries. It provides access to the methods required to perform user authentication, following the standards that Auth0 also happens to implement. Below first two dependencies are required to link our project with firebase.
Third library is required to get phone number of device automatically without user input. After adding these libraries in pubspec.yaml file, click on pub get button in android studio to sync library with our application. In this tutorial, first we create project in firebase to integrate our app with firebase platform. Then we enable phone authentication in firebase.
To integrate our android app with firebase, we need SHA-1 key and package name of our application. Authentication method Description Auto login Log in without user operation. When auto login is not available, Single Sign On login will be displayed if SSO is available, and log in with email address will be displayed if it is not available. Flutter is Google's cross-platform UI toolkit created to help developers build expressive and beautiful mobile applications.
In this article, you will learn how to build and secure a Flutter application with Auth0 using the open-source AppAuth library with the flutter_appauth wrapper plugin. You can check out the code developed throughout the article in this GitHub repository. Now we have created email and password util firebase_anonymously_util.dart file.
In this file, we have sign-up, login and signOut method for Firebase Email/Password authentication. Before going to use it, we have to enable it from Firebase console as you see above. We have enabled Email/Password Firebase authentication. You can use email/Password auth feature when you tap on email tab of the app. In the end, we have created google account widget.
We have added all these widgets in the build method of the login screen. First we need to create android app in our firebase project. After completing this step we can download google-services.json file. Then place this file under android/app folder in our source code. I am working on phone authentication using flutter and firebase. After clicking the Login button, the account gets created but the page doesn't change and I have to close the app and open it again and the main page gets displayed.
Now that we have our REST api, lets see how we can connect to it from our Flutter app. We will write our api interaction code in the api.dart file inside the service package. We will he using the http library to connect to the api. Our api has only two methods - one for authenticating and another for getting user details. In this article we will discuss how to use a REST api backend to authenticate users from a Flutter app. We will build a very basic nodejs REST api backend.
If you already have a backend then you can use that also. And then we will be building a basic Flutter app to connect to this backend and login to the app. It is assumed that the reader has a basic understanding of nodejs, rest api principles and flutter. First, we created the React Native project with all the necessary components and function configurations. Then, we learned how to configure the Google Sign In and Firebase for both Android and iOS platforms. Finally, we set up the Firebase in React Native app using a Firebase package and displayed the user data along with sign out button.
React Native and Firebase SDK make the implementation of Google login pretty straightforward. Let's build a simple app that only has a single Google login button. Once the user successfully logs into Google, we are going to display the user info retrieved from their Google account as well as a logout button. These files contain sensitive data, like the API key and information about the app. These files shouldn't be checked into version control or exposed to the world.
We have to take certain steps to secure our sensitive data. We will be creating a simple application which is having two screens. The first screen will be our Verification screen on which the user has to add his phone number. After adding his phone number, the user will click on the Get OTP button after that Firebase will send OTP on that number which is mentioned above. After receiving that OTP user has to enter that OTP in the below text filed and click on the below button to verify with entered OTP.
If the user has the Authy App, by default, the API will not send the 2FA code via SMS or voice. Instead, a push notification will go to the device, prompting the user to start their app to get the code. An easy-to-use firebase phone authentication package to easily send and verify OTP's with auto-fetch OTP support via SMS. In most of the android app, we go through the sign-up process when we use it the first time.
There are many ways to verify the authenticity of users like Google, Facebook, Instagram, and many more. But among all these phone or OTP authentications is very popular. It is because users have to just enter the mobile number. After that, the app will handle the remaining process .
My Problem is when i login with google i can't go my app's homepage. I want once the user logs in go to homepage and never comeback login screen. I found quite a few resources on the internet. But none of them are out of date and the codes are not working. Our login screen will have two fields to enter the username and password along with a button.
Here is the snippet of the code that builds the UI. The easiest way to add facebook login to your flutter app, get user information, profile picture and more. This simple logout method does not remove the authorization server session from the browser. That might not be a considerable concern for a personal device, but it's a concern for shared devices. Firebase's phone number sign-in request quota is high enough that most apps won't be affected. However, if you need to sign in a very high volume of users with phone authentication, you might need to upgrade your pricing plan.
In this tutorial, we'll build a flutter app that allows users to sign up and sign in with their email or phone number instead of using passwords. Since we know that the user is already registered with us, we don't need to check the database. We can proceed with the authentication right away. We just pass in the email and password to signInWithEmailAndPassword functions, which is provided to us by Firebase. As you know, we going to use login/password, google, and phone authentication. We have used three bool _isPhoneAuthEnable, _isGoogleAuthEnable and _isEmailAuthEnable.
It will change user interface for the phone, google and email/password. To log in to the Razorpay Dashboard, users enter their email address and password. If the 2-step verification is enabled on an account, the user should enter a One Time Password after the email id and password is provided.
The OTP is sent to the user's registered mobile number. Import firebase auth packageNext, we need to integrate authentication config to the sign-in function. After a successful login, we store the accessToken and idToken to Firebase. Now, we can try to login with Google on our demo React Native app. You can also add Facebook Login to your app if you're interested in providing even more login options to your users.
You can check out this guide to Facebook Login in React Native with Firebase if you're looking to learn more on how to set up Facebook sign-in. Firebase Authentication makes building secure authentication easy, providing sign-in and on-boarding for your users on all their devices. It provides backend services to securely authenticate users, paired with easy-to-use client SDKs. It can authenticate users using passwords and federated identity provider credentials.
Firebase Authentication also provides UI libraries to implement a full authentication experience in your app. This will create an empty ionic project in the working directory of your pc and now you are done with all of the basic requirements to create an Ionic phone auth application. For more details on creating a new Ionic app from scratch, check out our blogs on Ionic Appshere. When this value is true, Single Sign On login will be displayed if SSO is available, and log in with email address will be displayed if it is not available.
Disable_ios_auto_login Boolean Optional If set to true, Auto login will be disabled in iOS. We recommend using the disable_auto_login parameter, which was added later. Code_challenge String Optional Parameters required to support PKCE for LINE Login.
This is the value obtained by encrypting the unique code_verifier with SHA256 and then encoding it into Base64URL format. If no value is specified, the request doesn't support PKCE. When user receives the OTP he has to copy and paste the code will get irritate by users. To avoid this apps will try to read received SMS OTP and fill the TestFields automatically.
To do auto read SMS OTP we have a library plugin called sms_autofill. While the build process is running, you can click the Pre-build tab to see the output of the code we added to the pre-build script. You can see that both files, google-services.json and GoogleService-Info.plist, are present, although we did not add them to the version control system. If you haven't enabled billing in your firebase project, you must have some limit on testing the phone authentication with real numbers.
In order to test phone sign-in without any limits, you can add some fictitious numbers in the Firebase console. Now, we need to programmatically handle OTP Login in Google Firebase. For that, we create 2 pages - main.dart and homepage.dart. I have attached a link of Git repo at the bottom of the article.
Here, I will just import methods for sending and verifying the OTP. This widget defines a view that your app shows to users who have not been authenticated yet by Auth0. It displays a login button so that they can start the authentication process. Auth0 parameter sets the hierarchy of your Flutter app, which is significant when you are implementing user authentication using a callback URL. You'll find more details on this concept, as you follow the article.
OAuth 2.0 is an industry-standard protocol for authorization. It allows users to give third-party applications access to their resources. You can see a typical example of OAuth 2.0 in action when a user tries to sign up for a third-party app using Google.
In this tutorial, we'll build a flutter app that allows users to sign up and sign in with their email or phone number. This new account is stored as part of your Firebase project, and can be used to identify a user across every app in your project, regardless of how the user signs in. Here, we are using similar approach as we used in theLogin component. We are just using the functions we previously created in firebase.js.
Again, here we are using useEffect along with react-firebase-hooks to keep track of user authentication status. We'll also create methods that attempt to login and signup the user, and they're very simple POST requests, as we saw earlier on when we talked about our app's API interface. This widget also listens to changes in state but unlike the BlocBuilder it does not rebuild the UI.
You can choose whatever you want to do when the state changes – navigate to another screen, show a message, call a service etc. In our example inside the __SignInFormState widget the BlocListener listens to changes to LoginState. When a LoginFailure is received a toast notification will be displayed notifying the user of the error. In the previous post we introduced the BLoC pattern as one of the state management solutions in Flutter. In this post we are going to put that theory into practice by building a simple authentication flow that utilises the pattern.